15 Waterfalls In 1 Day

Nature is that one place you can go to and be at peace as it feels all the worries in the world have come off your shoulders and your mind is at ease. The feeling of walking in the bush surrounded by the constant sound of little birds and the surprises of not knowing what is around your next corner, I was pleasantly surprised at my recent adventure.

I was heading for Blue Mountains, to be more exact Wentworth Falls and the surrounding waterfalls that are around there. What a morning it was I got up at 4am adventure ready with my camera in one hand and a coffee in the other. The sense of adventure is thrilling and unexpected, keeping the sense of adventure on a day to day life is how you keep yourself happy and you never feel bored in what you do. This also comes with doing what you love and being able to do things that make a difference both to yourself and others.

Blue Mountains is only located 1.15 hours away from Sydney, hidden in the deep valleys are many things to be discovered, along my journey I encountered many amazing animals both birds and mammals, my favourite encounter and my first time having an encounter with a wild Lyrebird.

I spotted him deep in the valley, walking into this valley the sun quickly dissipates as you slowly descend into the undergrowth below, the greenery and the mixture of both light and dark is overly compelling as waterfalls are in every corner of your eye and you are instantly transported into another dimension, my mind was in array of what I was seeing then I was welcomed to the sight of this beautiful Lyrebird having a little bath in the creek before me. I was so shocked as I was not expecting to spot him.

These beautiful birds called the Superb Lyrebird, its very easy to see why they are called ‘Superb’ the things they are able to do is so unique and amazing, not only do they have the ability to mimic and imitate any sound they also have this amazing dance they perform to entrance viewers and nearby females for mating.

Along my adventures I also spotted 2 echidnas, as soon as they saw me they went into hiding and dug themselves into the ground, I hid for a 5 minute period and once the noise stopped from my footsteps they dug themselves back to the surface from which they hid to secretly watch me as I walked my way back onto the trail before me.

Waterfalls truly are magical, its like one big tear as the rocks carve themselves from the force of the water, the colours of the rock as the water hits them, is magical each rock is different showcasing the true beauty of nature and all its majesty, the darkness and lightness of the rock shown in the photo below gives you an idea of the sorts of colours entranced by the eyes.

These photos were taken handheld and surprisingly the results came out quite well, my shutter speed was set to 10 - 13 seconds, Low Iso, F13 Aperture, its not that I didn't forget my tripod just forgot its an essential piece of Equipment for shooting waterfalls and the results would come out more creatively with a hand held point of view, good way of testing my steadiness along with my creativeness for each of the shots I took.