Today 3rd March is World Wildlife Day. This is a day to recognise the wildlife that surrounds us and lives amongst us. Today is a day to recognise the impact we have on our wildlife and the future actions we must take in order for them to survive us.
Over 8,400 species of wild fauna and flora are critically endangered, while close to 30,000 more are understood to be endangered or vulnerable. Based on these estimates, it is suggested that over a million species are threatened with extinction.
Continued loss of species, habitats and ecosystems also threatens all life on Earth, including us. People everywhere rely on wildlife and biodiversity - based resources to meet all our needs, from food, to fuel, medicines, housing, and clothing. Millions of people also rely on nature as the source of their livelihoods and economic opportunities.
In order for us to make an impact look to the small things that can be done a daily basis, did you know that by choosing products from your local shopping trip that are made with sustainable palm oil products will help to halt deforestation in the forests of Sumatra, leading to the sustainable growth of the Sumatran Tiger’s population.
By committing to change on a daily basis no matter how small or big these actions can help to save our amazing wildlife. I hope with these photos they can showcase how beautiful our wildlife are and bring to light what is at stake if we keep going with how we are treating our natural world.